When Paul Stanley is calling me from his home he is in the midst of taking care of his son Evan, to whom he wrote the song “I Will Be There” on last years released “Carnival Of Souls” album. Still the Kiss star is happy to take the time to tell us about the progress on the new Kiss album with Ace Frehley and Peter Criss, tentatively titled “Psycho Circus” and slated for a June release.

Q: In many ways “Carnival Of Souls” was the “Revenge” album but taken one or two steps further. That means that during the 90´s you haven´t really written any of those old style Kiss party songs. Have you be able to write that type of material for the new album with Peter Criss and Ace Frehley?
P a u l : Oh, of course. You know, the great thing is that the songs that are being worked on right now sound very, very much like “Destroyer”. A band is made up of it´s members. In this way, by having the original members back, you have that same chemistry and that point of view. So I think the material sounds very much like we did in the 70´s. And the production on the new album will be nothing like the one of the “Carnival Of Souls” album. It´s produced by Bruce Fairbairn and it will sound like a vintage Kiss record.
Q: Will Peter Criss play on the new record?
P a u l : Yes, the new album will be Peter and Ace. 
Q: Because to be honest with you on those three shows, I saw on the reunion tour, Peter didn´t really play tight.
P a u l : Right, right... Um, I can´t really... You can comment better on that one that I can. All I can say is that the schedule that we kept up was very often five shows a week. We did 200 shows in one year. And... I can´t say more than that. It was a very tough schedule we were trying to keep up. We were trying to please everybody by playing for everybody. Not a lot of rest and not a lot of breaks. 
Q: But you have done negative comments on Peter´s playing before, haven´t you? You were very disappointed with him and his playing at the end of the 70´s and he didn´t even play on his last Kiss album, “Dynasty”, did he?
P a u l : No he didn´t play on “Dynasty” and “Unmasked”. There were problems, and that was the way to deal with the problems.
Q: To be honest right now there is a strong rumour about Peter not playing on this new album as well, with another drummer doing his parts.
P a u l : Really? Where does that come from?
Q: From Peter´s bad playing on the tour and that you and Gene have said he wasn´t good enough to play on “Dynasty”.
P a u l : Well, back then there certainly were problems but, uhm, at least now we have every intention of Peter to play.
Q: Peter´s drums sounded triggered on the tour, was that the case?
P a u l : His drums are a combination of live drums and triggered ones. It gives you much more control of the sound.
Q: It has been said that it is because Peter Criss is a bit old now and can´t hit the drums as hard as he use to do.
P a u l : Well, that is so silly because some of the youngest drummers trigger their drums. It just gives you a better sound live.
Q: What else can you tell us about the new album?

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